6:34 PM

Designing jewelry is just one of the luckiest "jobs" a lady can have - I am completely smitten.  With every stone I collect, I fall deeper and deeper in love with the process of sourcing diamonds and gemstones that speak to me. I truly enjoy dreaming up ways to give them new meaning to my life, and to yours.

You will learn more about my own jewelry history and collection, and the journey of how this all came to be soon enough. In the meantime, I just couldn't resist sharing this precious stone with you. This picture features an antique diamond we just acquired.  I adore Old European Cut diamonds, they have traveled so far and hold romantic stories we will never come to know. 

When I search for diamonds, I am careful in my choices.  I look for a stone not only of exceptional quality, but one that is full of personality - a rare combination.  Face up, this diamond shows yellow with lots of color play!  Perfect for the girl who leans toward the yellow fancies, but still likes her colorless beauties.  I can see this brilliantly paired with colorless accent diamonds.  

This diamond will be perfect for someone with their eye on a heirloom piece, be it in a ring or pendant necklace. We're going to hang onto this diamond for a short while, to admire and appreciate it's unique beauty.  I'm hoping with time it will speak to me to tell me what it should become.

In our newsletter, I will share other treasures like this diamond with our inner circle clientele before they take on a new life in jewelry form.  Inner circle clientele grants you access to one-of-a-kind diamond and gemstone jewelry that I have personally sourced - before anyone else. This is my way of saying thank you to all who have already become an Alexis Kletjian jewelry collector and for supporting and fulfilling my passion - the creations of new designs for us all to enjoy.  

Not in our inner circle yet? After your first purchase you will move into our inner circle, but as a subscriber you will also get a discount on your very first purchase!  Use our contact form and we will add you to our newsletter, or you can sign up either through the link to the right or on our Facebook page. If you do not receive a welcome e-mail within a few days, please contact us to ensure you are on our list.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend - don't miss out meeting your new bestie!

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