

7:31 PM

Claire's bringing back the brooch with her win!
Random acts of kindness are powerful.  Spontaneous, kind gestures are a positive way to lead your life and inspire others to do the same.  So often we walk with our heads down, our faces shoved into a device, living our lives on the go...  We all need to slow down, take care of our souls, shift the balance, and show you care by giving back when you can, even with the smallest gesture of a smile.  Hold a door, help a friend, volunteer your time, participate in a charity, or give something away that no longer brings you joy.

You are probably wondering what this has to do with jewelry, so I will tell you... 

Jewelry is a placeholder for your emotions, and your stories.  One visual of your beloved piece and it brings you directly back to the moment of when you first saw it.  Your mind will replay stories of your favorite times wearing it, bringing you joy and happiness all over again.  However, when unwanted, unworn jewelry sits in a box, that story is never replayed, and the joy is gone.

Recently on Instagram, I spontaneously decided to giveaway a few items from my jewelry box that I no longer wanted.  I had planned to convert some antique pins and lockets into modern-day treasures, but in the end, I felt it was not truly my style.  I did consider selling them, trading them, or even melting for scrap to return my investment, but then I decided the emotional investment of happiness when giving them to new, loving homes far outweighed the time and effort.  

One post and their new homes found them.

Antique treasures from my jewelry box
I am very pleased to say everyone was thrilled with their new-to-them treasures and sent me images, which made me so happy!  I love knowing they now reside with collectors that will love and adore them, instead of selling to someone with an uncertain fate. 

The winners were announced on Instagram
Jennifer won the Star Pique Brooch, I was going to convert into a ring...
Cindy won this fabulously old turquoise star pendant, with a hidden locket in the back!  
Just one of Cindy's jewelry box displays....
I can only hope these winnings serve as a reminder to participate in more random acts of kindness inside and outside of our community.  I was so inspired by all of the responses, I am going to do it one last time.  I have just a few more items I was going to convert, so in the spirit of random acts of kindness, you can look forward to round two ;)

Do you have a random act of kindness jewelry story to share?  I'd love to hear it.  You can either contact me, or a leave a message below!

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